Lorna Earl & Associates
Lorna Earl & Associates
Muijs, D. Kyriakides, L., Timperley, H. Earl, L., Van der Werf, G. & Creemers, B. (2013, in press) State of the Art – Teacher Effectiveness and Professional Learning. School Effectiveness and School Improvement Special Issue.
Earl, L. (2011) A response from Canada to TLRP’s Ten Principles for Effective Pedagogy. Research Papers in Education vol. 26 no. 3 (special issue) Routledge.
Ben Jaafar, S. & Earl, L. (2008) Comparing performance‐based Accountability models: a Canadian example. Canadian Journal of Education (31) 697‐726.
Katz, S. Earl, L., Ben Jaafar, S., Elgie, S., Foster, L., Halbert, J. & Kaser, L. (2008) Learning Networks of Schools: The Key Enablers of Successful Knowledge Communities. McGill Journal of Education Vol. 43, #1, Winter.
Earl, L. and Katz, S. (2007) Leadership in Networked Learning Communities: Defining the Terrain. School Leadership and Management Vol. 25, No. 4: Special Edition “Leading Networked Learning”.
Earl, L. (2006) Assessment, A Powerful Lever for Learning. Brock Journal of Education. Vol. 16 (1).
Earl, L., Ali, A.S and Lee, L. (2005) The Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation Vol. 20 No. 3 151–172.
Earl, L and Katz, S. (2005) Painting a Data Rich Picture. Principal Leadership, National Association of Secondary School Principals Vol. 5, #4. 16-21.
Earl, L. and Fullan, M. (2003) Leadership for large-scale reform. Cambridge Journal of Education, vol. 33 (#3) November.
Volante, L. and Earl, L. (2002) Teacher candidates’ perceptions of conceptual orientations in their pre-service program. Canadian Journal of Education, Vol. 20.
Katz, S., Sutherland, S. and Earl, L. (2005) Towards an evaluation habit of mind: mapping the journey. Teachers' College Record. Vol. 107 #10 p 2326-2350.
Earl, L and Sutherland, S. (2003) Student engagement in times of turbulent change. McGill Journal of Education. Vol 38 #2 p. 329-343.
Katz, S., Sutherland, S. and Earl, L (2002) Developing an evaluation habit of mind. Canadian Journal for Program Evaluation. Vol 17 #2.
Earl, L, Watson, N. and Torrance, N. (2002) Front row seats: what we’ve learned from the national literacy and numeracy strategies in England. Journal of Educational Change Vol. 3, #1.
Hargreaves, A., Earl, L. and Schmidt, M. (2002) Four perspectives on classroom assessment reform. American Educational Research Journal. Vol 39, #1, pp. 69-100.
Katz, S., Earl, L. and Olsen, D. (2001) The Paradox of classroom assessment: A challenge for the 21st century. McGill Journal of Education. Vol 36 (1) pp. 13-26.
Earl, L. and Lee, L. (2000) Learning, for a change. Improving Schools. Vol. 3, #1. Trentham Books: London.
Earl, L and Torrance, N. (2000) Embedding accountability and improvement into large-scale assessment: what difference does it make? Peabody Journal of Education, Vol. 75 (4).
Cousins, J.B. and Earl, L. (1999) When the boat gets missed: a response to M.F. Smith. American Journal of Evaluation, vol. 20 (2).
Earl, L. (1995). Assessment and accountability in education in Ontario, in Accountability in Canada (Special Issue) Canadian Journal of Education, vol. 20, (1), Winter.
Hargreaves, A. and Earl, L. (1994). Triple transitions: Educating early adolescents in the changing Canadian context. Curriculum Perspectives, vol. 14, (3). Australian Curriculum Studies Association.
Cousins, B. and Earl, L. (1992). The case for participatory evaluation. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, vol. 14, (4), Winter. Earl, L. and West, J. (1991). School improvement: A system partners approach. The Canadian School Executive.